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How Do Aircraft Fly?
  • Authored by: Susan Markowitz Meredith; Science and Curriculum Consultant: Debra Voege, M.A., Science Curriculum Resource Teacher
  • From the Series: Science in the Real World
  • Trim Size: 7 x 9-1/4
  • ISBN-10: 160413464X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-60413-464-3
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $28.00
  • Imprint: Chelsea Clubhouse
  • Published: 09/01/2009
  • Dewey Number: 629
  • Reading Level: Grades 3-5
  • Pages: 32


If you go outside on a windy day, you realize just how strong air can be. It can lift a kite high in the sky and grab onto a balloon and carry it away. But even when the air is calm, you can feel its strength and resistance when you move. How Do Aircraft Fly? reveals the science behind air pressure and flying everything from hot-air balloons to helicopters to jet aircraft through eye-catching full-color photograph and illustrations, as well as through textual explanations of real-world examples.


Full-color photographs and illustrations. Glossary. Further reading. Index.

About the Author(s)

Susan Markowitz Meredith has written more than 35 books and produced several TV shows for young thinkers.

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