Home eBooks The Age of Resistance and Removal, 1776 to 1865

The Age of Resistance and Removal, 1776 to 1865
  • Format
  • Authored by: Cynthia Ingham; Peter C. Mancall, General Editor
  • From the Series: Voices of Native American History
  • Trim Size:
  • ISBN-10: 0816072574
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-7257-6
  • Status: In Stock
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  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Published: 06/01/2016
  • Dewey Number:
  • Reading Level: Grades 9 and up


When Europeans first arrived in the Americas in 1492, they encountered hundreds of distinct peoples, each with its own fascinating history—histories that would change dramatically as a result of that encounter. As much of Native American history is based on oral tradition, it is imperative to chronicle their stories before they are lost; The Age of Resistance and Removal, 1776 to 1865 brings together those stories in a format ideal for students and researchers studying Native American history.

This volume comes complete with a narrative history, an extensive chronology, and a collection of historical documents and first-person accounts of important individuals, events, and topics in American Indian history from the U.S.' founding in 1776 to the end of the Civil War in 1865. These sources include oral histories, treaties, newspaper articles, journal entries, military reports, book excerpts, eyewitness accounts, and legends.



About the Author(s)

Cynthia Ingham is currently an assistant professor of history at the University of Toledo. Professor Ingham holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Kansas.

General editor Peter C. Mancall is professor of history and anthropology at the University of Southern California and director of the USC–Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute. He received a Ph.D. from Harvard University and is an elected member of the American Antiquarian Society. He is the author of several books, including Deadly Medicine: Indians and Alcohol in Early America, Hakluyt's Promise: An Elizabethan's Obsession for an English America, and Fatal Journey: The Final Expedition of Henry Hudson. He is also the editor of eight books, including Travel Narratives from the Age of Discovery and The Atlantic World and Virginia, 1550–1624.

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