Home Books The Facts On File Companion to the French Novel

The Facts On File Companion to the French Novel
  • Format
  • Authored by: Karen L. Taylor
  • From the Series: Companion to Literature
  • Trim Size: 7-3/8 x 9-1/4
  • ISBN-10: 0816054053
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-5405-3
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $85.00
  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Published: 01/01/2007
  • Dewey Number: 843.009
  • Reading Level: Grades 9 and up
  • Pages: 496


French novels such as Madame Bovary and The Stranger are staples of high school and college literature courses. This new companion provides encyclopedic coverage of the French novel from its origins in the 16th century through the present day, with an emphasis on novels most commonly studied in high school and college courses in world literature and in French culture and civilization.

Written in a clear, accessible style, this is the only reference book of its kind to analyze the genre as a whole. A detailed introduction surveys the history of the French novel and discusses emerging trends. More than 550 in-depth entries, ranging from 300 to 2,500 words, cover novelists including Dumas, Voltaire, Flaubert, Proust, Camus, and Sartre, and novels such as The Three Musketeers, Candide, Les Misérables, Remembrance of Things Past (In Search of Lost Time), and The Plague. Entries include bibliographies to guide further research.

Coverage includes:

  • Author biographies
  • Synopses and analyses of major novels
  • Genres and literary movements, including courtly love, dada, surrealism, existentialism, and the new novel
  • Historical events, movements, and subjects that have influenced French novelists, including the French Revolution, fascism, and the Old Regime.


Index. Appendix. Bibliographies. Cross-references. Chronology.

About the Author(s)

Karen L. Taylor has a Ph.D. in history from Georgetown University. She is the general editor of Early Modern Europe: Issues and Interpretations.

Reviews and Awards

"The accessibly written entries include not only those novels students are likely to encounter in literature courses but also a nice selection of quite a few for the more advanced or adventurous. Libraries serving high-school and undergraduate courses in French literature now have a reference work specifically targeted to those classes."

"...the most comprehensive of its kind...A worthy addition to any university’s reference collection and useful to all students and lay readers interested in the French novel; highly recommended."
Library Journal

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