Home Books Food Chemistry

Food Chemistry
  • Authored by: David E. Newton
  • From the Series: The New Chemistry
  • Trim Size: 6 X 9
  • ISBN-10: 0816052778
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-5277-6
  • Status: In Stock
  • List Price: $49.95
  • Imprint: Facts On File
  • Published: 08/01/2007
  • Dewey Number: 664
  • Reading Level: Grades 6-12
  • Pages: 224


Finding new, safe ways to consume food has become complicated as people become more health conscious about the foods they put into their bodies. Food Chemistry offers a wealth of information on the field of altering foods for human consumption. After an introduction outlining methods of food preservation and enhancement throughout the years (improved taste, odor, color, and nutritional content), this volume describes the differences between synthetic, engineered, irradiated, and organic foods.

New foods created synthetically, such as sugar and fat substitutes, as well as genetically engineered foods and irradiated foods, have scientific and social issues attached to their development, drawing much controversy from the public. On the other end of the spectrum, general interest in consuming natural or organic foods has become more popular. This illustrated volume explores the values and harms of consuming these different types of foods, and also outlines the questions surrounding organic versus non-organic foods, including the replacement of natural vitamins and minerals with synthetically produced substitutes. Biographical information on the people involved in this field of chemistry is also included. This is an informative reference for students who want to learn more about the types of food they consume, how they are produced, and how they affect the human body.

Chapters include:

  • The History of Food Modification
  • Food Additives
  • Synthetic Foods
  • Genetically Modified Foods
  • Foodborne Illnesses and Irradiation of Foods
  • Organic and Natural Foods.


Black-and-white photographs and line illustrations. Index. Appendixes. Bibliography. Glossary. Further reading. Web sources.

About the Author(s)

David E. Newton holds an associate’s degree in science from Grand Rapids Junior College, a B.A. in chemistry and an M.A. in education from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in science education from Harvard University. He taught mathematics and physical sciences, was a professor of chemistry and physics at Salem State College, and was an adjunct professor in the College of Professional Studies at the University of San Francisco. He is the author of more than 400 textbooks, encyclopedias, resource books, research manuals, trade books, and other educational materials, including DNA Evidence and Forensic Science, one volume in Facts On File's Library in a Book series.

Reviews and Awards

"...will be useful for chemistry students, students debating the issue, and students researching th[is] topic for science fair projects...Recommended."
Library Media Connection

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